28 Jun 2018

Flange Live Loading

Chesterton has made Flange Live loading easy with our on-line Flange Torque calculator on the Sales Toolkit. Simply enter the flange size and pressure class and some more details and the software will give you a recommended bolt torque and the recommended flange spring item number to use. The software is free of charge and accessible to all Chesterton partners through sales.chesterton.com. Print out a detailed report for your customer showing all the details that he needs.

Do you have a complicated flange, heat exchanger or you need a professional calculation?

Through Chesterton’s Flangeneering Program an application engineer will do a professional flange Live Loading calculation using a proprietary version of Amtec’s Temes EN1591-1 Flange Analysis software. This service is free of charge to all Chesterton partners and Chesterton Customers. Just send a filled out Survey Sheet or customer drawing to Chesterton Application Engineering and we’ll send you a detailed proposal for your customer. Once the order is placed we will prepare a full report including the EN1591-1 calculation.

For more information contact Hans Dekker, Product Line Manager MPD.


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