29 Jun 2018

Achema 2018: The Digital Revolution is on

Every 3 years, the Achema fair opens its door at the exhibition center in Frankfurt. This year, from 11th to 15th June more than 145 000 visitors attended with 3 700 exhibitors. On behalf of the Chesterton Network, we would like to inform you the main trends in terms of Innovation

Grundfos Image

Industrie 4.0
In 2011 during the Hanover Fair, the concept of the Industry 4.0 (Digital Industry) was presented. The term was developed by the German Federal Government to promote its High-tech strategy.

The changes in the industry

-       For industrial firms, Industrie 4.0 and the concept of Smart Industries, is acting as a driver in disruptive technologies.
-       In this context, the development of  Radical innovation, is going to  create considerable changes in a firm and/or in a market
-       As with all disruptive innovations, the adoption faces multiple barriers (both Internal and External)

In June 2018, we can say that the revolution is on, for the pump manufacturers (KSB, Grundfos, Sulzer…), iSolutions are available for the end-user. Example: Equipment interconnected via the Cloud, fieldbus, or I/O link.

Innovation is the market introduction of a technical or organizational novelty, not just its invention

Pumps & Compressors: App in the Cloud
Internet of Things refers to the networking of physical objects through the use of embedded sensors, actuators, and other devices that can collect or transmit information about the objects.

For Pumps and Compressors, it’s clear that the digitalization and the development of sensors is a must. (Read here the Trend Report, The future of industrial pumps at a glance).

In the conclusion they noticed that:
-           Products without sensors and connectivity will not be a significant factor in the future world of Industry 4.0.
-          Conventional products will be supplanted by products with sensors and on-board monitoring capability. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) will become the standard.
-         Manufacturers and service providers will set up platforms (cloud) for CPS communication via gateways.
-          The challenge is to filter out relevant data streams and develop modules which generate real customer benefit.
-          CPS, the cloud and data analysis will provide the basis for tailored services

As we can see the biggest challenge for Pump companies, will be in their capacity to implement innovative technologies in their equipment but not only this, because “Innovation is the market introduction of a technical or organizational novelty, not just its invention” (Schumpeter, 1911)

Disruptive Innovation: KSB Guard & Gemü Conexo

KSB Guard
For KSB the disruptive Innovation has a name: the KSB Guard. The concept is simple: to propose more monitoring in order to have less troubleshooting. KSB proposes a full concept to the user:  detection (temperature & vibration) – Transmission (via Wifi and KSB Cloud) – Data storage and analysis (via a web portal and a mobile App)

Virtual Reality - Gemü Booth
For Gemü the Innovation is in the Valve, in 2015 the German valve manufacturer proposed to their customers to digitalize the documentation and the identification of the valves. Thanks to the RFID technology and the Conexo concept they won this challenge. June 2018, Gemü propose to go further, they introduced a complete training program based on Virtual Reality, with this new service the user can virtually install a RFID tag on the valve and also learn how to use Conexo.

Laurent Prunier-Duparge
Follow Laurent on Linkedin

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