26 Jun 2017

The FSA put its Training in the Digital Age

Henri Azibert
Henri Azibert, as Technical Director for the FSA (Fluid Sealing Association), in May you have during the Annual Meeting of the European Sealing Association (see our article in May), presented FSA Knowledge Base (www.fsaknowledgebase.org). We have some question for you about “Knowledge Base

eLinkWhy did the FSA decide to create the FSA Knowledge Base and which subjects are covered?

Henri AzibertOne of the major strategic initiatives of the FSA is to “Develop, actively promote, and deliver education programs that support the use of best technology in sealing systems”.  We had traditionally provided educational material via handbooks and in classroom sessions.  As the digital age is progressing, it was decided that alternative delivery methods should be experimented with.  Printed material is currently being displaced by online sources, so we decided to build an easily searchable electronic data base, as well as a provide webinar delivery methods.

eLink: Who can have access to the platform, is it a public platform ? can we download the documentation?
HA:   Everyone can access the platform.  The only requirement is to provide a valid email address.  All FSA members can freely download the information, based on their email domain.  We are currently investigating how others may have download access.

eLink : Who created the articles, and who has checked the accuracy of the information?
HA: The FSA Mechanical Seal Technical Committee created the content and reviewed the information for technical accuracy and industry wide acceptance.  As part of the FSA review process, the all Divisions had to agree to the contents.  They are currently planning to add contents for all the Divisions, based on the current handbook publications and their educational material.

eLink: In term of technical support and presentation, does the FSA have a Youtube Channel ?
HA:  Not at this time, but it is in the works. 

eLink :  Henri, we know you worked for Chesterton for 33 years. Today as Technical Director of the FSA, what is precisely you job ?
HA: I wish I knew!  It is primarily to respond to the technical needs of the organization as they arise.   But it is tied to technical expertise as much as it is to government of affairs and membership needs, whatever they might be.  That is what makes the position so interesting.

eLink: Thank you so much Henri for your replies !

Subscribe to knowledgeBase: www.fsaknowledgebase.org
Follow Henri on linkedin
Fluid Sealing Association: http://www.fluidsealing.com/
European Sealing Association: http://europeansealing.com/en

Laurent Prunier Duparge
Follow Laurent on Linkedin

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