23 Feb 2017

Sales Tools and Apps

We kicked off the year 2017 in the regional sales meetings where amongst many topics the sales tools and various mobile apps were presented. One of the workshops was dedicated to the sales tools in the sales tool kit. We discovered that many of our distributors and specialists were having difficulties due to not knowing their login information or other issues. This is the reason why we want to do a short run down of the major tools in the sales toolkit and the different sites where Chesterton keeps their tools and information.
The major portal through which distributors and Chesterton sales people can access the information from Chesterton that is important to them is the Sales Resource Center.


Chesterton Sales Resource Center

On this site you can find the price lists, different announcements, detailed information about recent launches and releases and as well the links to the various other Chesterton resources.
One of the links that you can follow from here is to the Sales Toolkit. In the sales toolkit you can find the various tools that can help you as sales people to sell Chesterton products in the field. From here you have access to the Rotating Equipment tools, the Stationary toolkit, the ARC tools and as well the pricing tools.

Rotating Equipment Toolkit
The rotating equipment toolkit has a number of tools that can help you to make intelligent and solid mechanical seal recommendations to your customers. There is for instance a Seal Selection Tool that helps you to configure seals based on pump type, fluid and operating conditions.
There is as well a Material Compatibility tool, in which you can select O-ring, seal face and metal part materials based on fluid and operating conditions. As well there is the Seal Heat application that helps you to calculate the heat generation of each of the Chesterton mechanical seal under certain conditions, and as well there is the Bushing Flow Tool to help you calculate the flow past a bushing based on materials and pressure conditions. 

Bushing Flow Tool

Stationary Toolkit
The Stationary Toolkit has a number of applications that helps you to configure valves and flanges. The Valve management tool is an application in which you or your customer can manage a valve population. Various parameters such as operating conditions and dimensional information need to be entered. The tool helps you to configure live loading on valves, it calculates stem friction and gives you gland torque values. The tool lets you make professional proposals for your customers
Another tool in the Stationary toolkit is the Flange Torque application where you can enter operating conditions, gasket type and flange size to determine  the bolt torque and as well the live loading disc that you can use to effectively seal the flange. This software lets you generate professional proposal for your customers based on your input. 

Flange Torque Tool

ARC Tools
The ARC Toolkit houses a surface area calculator that helps you determine the surface area of various shapes that you might find on a surface that needs to be coated and therefore helps you to plan your projects and  give price proposals to your customers.

Surface Area Calculator

Mobile Apps
out as well the mobile apps that Chesterton created for their customers and distributors. 

Chesterton created multiple apps for iOS, Android and Windows. We have created an iCatalogue, tools for different applications such as a Valve Application, a Hydraulic Cylinder and a Rotating Equipment App. For the larger products launches we created a special product focused app. We did this for the 442C and there is a DualPac App in the making. As well we made a valve torque calculator for style 1622 and 1724E. You can find these apps on the different Application stores of the different platforms by searching for Chesterton. 

If you have any issues with accessing the various sales tools that Chesterton has made available for you then please contact:
Vitaly Igonin from EMEA Marketing at phone number +49 89 99 65 46 33 or Vitaly.Igonin@chesterton.com.

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