5 Oct 2017

Our famous distributor in South Africa is using DualPac

Thanks to the excellent relation between our distributor Sizonke Trading and the management of our distributor in South Africa, it was decided to install different Dualpac configurations on 4 different equipments.

Case 1: On the Bottom Ply Machine Refiner (used for Pulp) 4 Series Hard through Sleeve With a configuration on the sleeve is Chesterton 15.9mm, 211 packing 5 Rings.

Case 2: On the Gum Refiner (Pulp), the configuration on the sleeve is with Spiraltrac and Chesterton 19.1mm 2211 Packing 3 Rings.

Case 3: Unbleached Pine Refiner No1 (Pulp) Sappi Sleeve with PTFE Lantern Ring and Chesterton 19.1mm 2211 Packing 5 Rings.

Case 4: Bottom Ply Mixed Stock Chest Pump (Allis Chalmers GR2) (Pulp) Sappi Sleeve with PTFE Lantern Ring and Chesterton 12.7mm 2211 Packing 6 Rings.

On the Paper Machine, the distributor used previously a Superset with 1830, the service life was good (1-2 years) . Because of corporate decision and price reasons Distributor in South Africa changed to competitor packing which started to leak after 3-5 month of operation. Following the advice from Sizonke, the distributor came back by seeing the opportunity in a completely new packing design 2211.

Digester area, our distributor used a combination of Chesterton 477-1T/1400R and 1830SSP with service life of 1 year shut to shut. Due to the same reason mentioned above our distributor  changed to competitor packing which started to leak after 6-8 month of operation. 

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